There is no doubt that Tollywood actor Pawan kalyan has good following and fans across Andhrapradesh and Telangana state. He also established a political party Janasena (Youth of the Nation) with a slogan ‘Fight for the Nation’.

Pawan kalian sung few songs in his films and mesmerized his fans with his singing talent. On this talent popular film director Ram Gopal varma said, ‘He is a better singer than Pawan Kalyan’ and he posts a link of his own song on social media Youtube.

Ram gopal varma posted a Youtube link of his song from his upcoming movie Vangaveeti comparing it with ‘Power star’ humming Telangana folk song at Kakinada public meeting on issue of ‘Special Status’ for Andhrapradesh state.

RGV also asked the Tollywoood star league. “My request to Mahesh Babu fans to Tarak Fans to Prabhas fans PK’s fans and also PK himself to honestly tell me who’s a better singer? My request to fans of Mahesh babu’s Allu Arjun’s, Tarak’s, Prabhas’s, Ravi Teja’s, Chiranjeevi’s and also Power star’s to tell who’s a better singer? I request media to ask Devi Sri Prasad to Mani Sharma to Thaman and all the best singers to honestly tell who’s better singer between me and Pawan Kalyan?” the director tweeted.

Watch video of his Upcoming song from movie 'Vangaveeti' 

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