Chief Minister of Telangana K Chandrasekhar rao has direted its officials to issue a draft notification for creation of new districts in the state.
In a review meeting with senior officials CM asked to issue the notification before the thrid week of this month and new districts should come into existence by Dussear (october, 11).
The Chief Minister formed a cabinet sub-committee and headed by Deputy Chief Minister Mahmood Ali which will submit a report on the suggestions with regard to creation of new districts in Telangana state.
Currently State Telangana has 10 districts in addition to that government is planning to create another five districts to total upto 15 disctricts at the end of Dussera festival.
In a review meeting with senior officials CM asked to issue the notification before the thrid week of this month and new districts should come into existence by Dussear (october, 11).
The Chief Minister formed a cabinet sub-committee and headed by Deputy Chief Minister Mahmood Ali which will submit a report on the suggestions with regard to creation of new districts in Telangana state.
Currently State Telangana has 10 districts in addition to that government is planning to create another five districts to total upto 15 disctricts at the end of Dussera festival.
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